It seems Florida citrus groves are coming back! It has been a while since we took a day trip West of East Central Florida. Traveling the backroads to Okeechobee on Highway 78 to Moore Haven and then on to Labelle was a pleasant surprise to see newly planted orange groves. In years past, the groves were withering away due to a disease called huanglongbing. This disease wiped out many of the trees producing this delicious fruit packed with vitamins. The University of Florida has a research center of scientists and engineers for the citrus industry and has made important discoveries to improve the billion-dollar industry.

Visit A Citrus Roadside Stand Or Take A Tour

For many years Florida’s citrus groves have been a major tourist attraction. The grove owners provided tours along with roadside fruit stands throughout the State of Florida. During the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s tourists would travel back home with a bountiful pack of fresh oranges and grapefruits to share with friends and family. Many of us even took home an orange tree to see if we could grow oranges in the North. I can confirm it can be done. My Grandmother in upstate NY had a “green thumb” to grow just about anything. She purchased an orange tree from a Florida tourist shop that would later blossom and produce small golf ball size oranges. Who would think an orange tree would survive indoors in the North?

Explore Citrus Recipes For A Culinary Delight

Oranges come in a variety of flavors just like apples in the North. Based on the variety of fruit the Florida citrus groves’ growing seasons are different for each type of fruit. Citrus is regularly used in Florida recipes including salads, salsas, and fruit bowls. Citrus is a refreshing welcome all year long with its tangy flavor. Whether you sample a new dish in a Florida restaurant or buy a local cookbook try something new. Citrus may just become your favorite new ingredient. Tip: Try A Citrus Marinade or a Fruit Salsa with your next meal!

Visit A Upick Farms This Season

If you are looking for a DIY method to gather fruits and vegetables why not visit one of the Upick farms? If you want to know where our food comes from and the conditions it is grown Upick Farms are the solution. Support a local grower and their efforts to provide food locally. Gather up your family and friends and head out to the farm or orchard. Spend a wonderful day in the Florida sunshine. Just to warn you it does become a yearly adventure during harvest season! To find a grove near you visit Pick Your Own Fruits and Vegetables