Where is Sanibel And Captiva Island Located?

Sanibel Island and Captiva Island, Florida

Map of Sanibel and Captiva Island

On the west coast of Florida, Sanibel and Captiva Islands are located near Fort Meyers. In the past, these two islands were one island until they became separated by a storm in 1921 known as Blind Pass. Captiva Island has less commercial space and is the quieter of the two islands. If you are seeking more adventure then choose Sanibel Island or if you want to get away from it all select Captiva Island.

How Are The Beaches In Sanibel and Captiva Island?

The first thing that comes to mind is the difference between the beaches of Sanibel and Captiva. Besides being less crowded, the beaches of Captiva are wider and consist of a much more powdery type sand. The narrower beaches of Sanibel are perfect for walking and running on the beach. The shelling is almost equally spectacular in both Sanibel and Captiva Island. The only difference we notices was during the low tide. It seemed that a larger amount of shells were brought to shore on Sanibel Island. Regardless of which Island, they both offer one of the best shelling opportunities anywhere in Florida. The term “Sanibel Stoop” became a local saying for people bending and picking up shells.

The 15 miles of unspoiled beaches are the best place to experience sunrise and sunset on the Gulf of Mexico. The beaches provide tranquility and relaxation for the family or romantic getaway. The pure sense of relaxation is contagious and there is not a care in the world while on either of these islands.

What Is The Shopping and Restaurants Like On The Islands?

Captiva Island is only 5 miles long versus Sanibel’s 12 miles long. The smaller size of Captiva has made the island more laid back with fewer shops and on the higher end prices. The few shops in Captiva may be sufficient for basic needs. However, you can find almost anything you want a few miles down the road on Sanibel Island. Periwinkle Way is the main shopping area on Sanibel Island. The shops are a combination of high-end jewelry stores, boutiques, galleries, and small souvenir shops. It is a fun place to walk around even if you are not in a shopping mood.

How To Get Around On The Islands

It took us a few short vacations to realize that there are no traffic lights on the entire island. We were too preoccupied with the beautiful scenery to even think about a traffic light! That said, no traffic lights do not necessarily mean no traffic. For an island that is 5 miles wide at its widest section, traffic is inevitable. That’s why we highly recommend bringing your bike or renting one on the island. Biking is the best method of transportation around. This is especially true during the high season, from December through April. Golf Carts and bicycle are the common transportation methods on the island.